Friday, 7 November 2014

Food porn | Caesar salad | Movies about the UN

Hello beautifuls!
So I just had one media lesson, which we should just finish our group project and then we had a "show" for each other. It was really fun and everyone had done a great job! 
We made a movie, and a lot of things went wrong (I was the one who was editing the movie), I couldn't get all our videos to work, and when I was done I some how deleted the project and needed to start over, so I got done at 2 or 3 this morning -.-" I'm feeling really sorry for Edem, he was up all night with me and he refused to go to sleep before I was done.

Anyway I was so tired and didn't even look at the whole movie I just exported it to my other computer, so today when I looked at it I saw that I've forgot to delete the background sound on two of the videos, the music wasn't synced, and a lot of things were wrong. Even though all this happen our group was the one to get the most "stars" (the audience get to say something they liked about the movie) from the other groups, and I thought that was really fun :D Almost every group got 2-3 stars, and my group got 6 or 7 :D I know I should not brag but it just felt so good to get all that positive feedback when so much had gone wrong. The feedback we got was that the whole movie was very good, you could understand its meaning, someone even said she almost cried ^^ and more...
The movies was about the United Nation, like human rights and that sort of stuff. 

Anyway we were done at 11am something, and we was already in town so we went to a restaurant and ate caesar salad, which was btw the BEST caesar salad I've ever eaten. 


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