Thursday, 27 November 2014

Ice Hockey | Waiting

Hola Amiiiigos!
Yesterday I stayed in Örebro after school, and I went into town and looked for something to buy to my brother for christmas but I didn't find anythiiiing, so frustrating :(
At 4 something I met up with Emma and her german exchange student, Leon, we went to Rosalie Deli and ate caesar salad :3 yummyyyyy! A friend to Emma came and joined us with his two german exchange students, which I don't remember the name of.
Anyway we hung out for a while then at 7 Emma, Wilma, Leon and I went to watch an Ice hockey game. It was Örebro against Luleå and Örebro won with 3-0 :D 
Emmas dad drove me to Edem and I slept at his place. 

And today I missed my train to school, but I didn't feel so well and to consider I just had PE it felt useless to go to school, when I was just going to watch my classmates have PE, so I stayed home. 
And now Edem is in school, though I think he has finished now, so I'm just waiting for him to get his pretty ass home! 
I think he is home now! YEEEES! 
cute outfit? yeeeeeaaaasss

Yesterday's outfit | Black & Red



Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Too Cool For School

Hola Amigos!
My math lesson was canceled today so I didn't have my first lesson until 1,55pm, but my history teacher are so nice so he let me stay home. When I only have one lesson in school it feel very unnecessary, because the train takes 45 minutes so I would be on the train longer than what I am in school, and my history teacher understands that, THANK U! :3 

So anyway yesterday was a good day.. not! I had one media lesson from 9 to 11,25am and then I sat on my friends lessons in 4 hours because my other lesson don't start until 15,10pm. But the thing was that that lesson was canceled!.. so I had sat in school for 4 hours when I could have been home... yes that didn't felt good. 
I could have been home at 12 but I got home at half past 5pm... I was pretty issed of at the time..
My dad came and picked me up at the station, then we drove to the graveyard and said happy birthday to my grandma (i miss her so much it hurts :(..) then we drove and bought some food = kebab :3 

I slept at Edems place tonight and now he just got home from school and we are gonna take something to eat :) Just need to say, look at the photo of the sky, it's soooo blue and it pretty much looks like summer hah, first time I've seen the sun for weeks ;) 


Billy Boyd - The Last Goodbye | Hobbit

Hola Amigos!
If you are a huge fan of LOTR like me you will know that, Billy Boyd (the guy who is Pippin in the movies) can sing. For this last Hobbit movie they have made a song called "The Last Goodbye"... just need to say did they have to call it that? :( I mean I know this will be the last movie.. forever... and that sucks so I don't want to be reminded about that with a song title, I'm still trying to except that this will be the last movie... :c Huh...

Anywaaaay, Billy has an very beautiful, light voice and this song is just so beautiful I can't handle it! and the way they have done the video to the song is amazing. I love how they reflect back to all the movies and all the behind the scenes clips... well the whole video is perfect! I LOVE IT! I think I listened to the song at least 20 times yesterday, it's just that good I can't be without it :'3

The song will be played when the credits are shown in the cinemas, which is a beautiful way to wrap it all up. But I can't except that this is the last movie, I just can't. These movies has been like the last lambas bread on the way to Mordor for me, which means they are very important! ;) (haha I'm such a nerd..)


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Photoshop | School assignment

So we have had a little assignment in school that we called Big/Little, which you should make something bigger or smaller in photoshop, and I was pretty happy with my work so I thought I could share my three photos with you ;D 

"The small tattoo artist"

"The Marshmallow"

"The ... blow???" (haha i don't knooow)

It's just one thing I'm not happy about and it's the marshmallow Emma is sitting on, it should have had sharper edges but I tried and it didn't turn out good ether because the edges got very (VERY!) dark. :/ 


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Shopping #5 |

Hola Amigos! 
Today I finally got my package from BooHoo with some clothes that I had ordered.
I was to lazy to take photos of me with the clothes so you just get these (below) from the website which you can check out HERE.
One black kimono, two crop tops and one scarf. 
Everything fitted and I liked all of it a lot! 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Train | Saved by a chocolate bar

I'm currently on the train home. Today have been so exhausting I'm (exhausted?)... ;) hah anyway
I don't have much to write about for the moment that is the main reson why I haven't blogged anything in a while, but I'm gonna try to come up with something to write about ;) It's almost one month left to christmas and I haven't bought one single present yet... I used to be almost done by this time :p I have literally no idea what I'm going to buy. 
I hate mondays I have two lessons in school and the first one starts 9am and ends 11,25, the second one starts 3,10pm so I have a big break between them and I can't go home because it's not enough time with the busses and the train and all that... The only thing that has kept me going today is this little purple thingie that you can see on my computer in the photo below! 
Milka! You did a good job! ;) Thanks for saving my day! 
gorgeous... just gorgeous

Friday, 7 November 2014

Food porn | Caesar salad | Movies about the UN

Hello beautifuls!
So I just had one media lesson, which we should just finish our group project and then we had a "show" for each other. It was really fun and everyone had done a great job! 
We made a movie, and a lot of things went wrong (I was the one who was editing the movie), I couldn't get all our videos to work, and when I was done I some how deleted the project and needed to start over, so I got done at 2 or 3 this morning -.-" I'm feeling really sorry for Edem, he was up all night with me and he refused to go to sleep before I was done.

Anyway I was so tired and didn't even look at the whole movie I just exported it to my other computer, so today when I looked at it I saw that I've forgot to delete the background sound on two of the videos, the music wasn't synced, and a lot of things were wrong. Even though all this happen our group was the one to get the most "stars" (the audience get to say something they liked about the movie) from the other groups, and I thought that was really fun :D Almost every group got 2-3 stars, and my group got 6 or 7 :D I know I should not brag but it just felt so good to get all that positive feedback when so much had gone wrong. The feedback we got was that the whole movie was very good, you could understand its meaning, someone even said she almost cried ^^ and more...
The movies was about the United Nation, like human rights and that sort of stuff. 

Anyway we were done at 11am something, and we was already in town so we went to a restaurant and ate caesar salad, which was btw the BEST caesar salad I've ever eaten. 


New in | #Pink

Helluu beautifuls!
I bought these yoga pants the other day, and I just LOOOOVE them. I love the pink color and I think it's nice to have some color it just make the "train outfit" a bit more fun. 
A little tip, if you have black yoga pants you should color it up with a cool top in pink, blue, green whatever but just ad a color and it looks more fashionable ;) 
And as boring as I am I like to have white or black tops, so that is why these pink pants fits me perfect! ;D

Thursday, 6 November 2014

First snow | #2014

November 6 2014, is the day you will remember... it's the day that the first snow made it's way to Sweden.. dumdumduuuum... Haha kidding but noo ;p