Hello beautifuls!
I'm so sorry that I haven't post anything since.. sunday last week?? :s sorry...
I have been hang out with friends, done A LOT of school work (:c) and I've also been in the stable.
So first I'll just give you this photo with some pics from this week
Picture 1 (upper left corner): I just feel really good right now and I haven't weight under 63 since 4 years back and to be back under 60 feels amazing for me. Because I've always weight around 57-58, then I came in to a faze and I was going trough a really rough time and then I started to go up in weight and I've been up to 66-67, so to almost be back feels great for me. (So I'm not trying to show of or anything like that it was just something that meant a lot to me).
Picture 2 (upper right corner): Well this is what I gave to Edem on his birthday which was last Tuesday, it wasn't much it was more of a joke, because I didn't really need to get him something but I wanted to at least give him something so that was what I came up with x)
Picture 3 (down to the right): I also got my camera this week, it's a Sony DSC-WX350 and I haven't had the chance to try it properly but the pictures I've taken have been great! ;D
Picture 4 (Down to the left): I spend my Saturday night with my dear friend Lina, and we ate an amazing sallad from a place called Piazza and the rest of the night we just talked and I had a good time.
And yesterday I spend more than 3 hours in the stable with Emma. I rode both of my horses and also had some cozy time with a little cat ;) I don't have much to tell you about it ;)
And later that evening I met Edem and we hung out at his place and at sometime in the middle of the night both of us fell asleep :s I woke up at 3,15am and I was just like "SHIEEET I NEED TO GO HOME!" but I asked him to come with me so he slept over at my place. And first of all when we got to my place my mum woke up and just shouted from upstairs that it was not okay to come home at 4am... hehe... So when she got to know (today) that Edem had slept over... lets just say that she didn't really got happier ;) hah but it's okay now, she understands and everything is fine... for now;-)