Saturday, 3 January 2015

Yes, it's a goodbye...

Hola Amigos... 
I have pretty bad news for u... well... just kidding they are not that bad, but as the title says, this is goodbye. I will not post anything more on this blog, that is because I don't want to blog in english anymore, the only reason I have a blog is for myself only. I use it as a diary and I often check it to look back on old memories. So I've decided to stop blogging on this blog and I have started a new one on and this blog is in swedish. So I'm sorry to all my english speaking readers, but to all you sweds out there you can just come and join me on my new blog, I hope you will :* 

My new blog --> 

It was fun blogging here, byyyyyyye :*

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow... | Winter!

Hola amigos!

I only had one lesson today, well no had two but I was pretty much done so the teacher let me and Emma go home early. I was home at 12 something. Then at half past 1 a friend came over and gave me some goodies for the party that is tomorrow, about that I also have my outfit picked out so I feel relaxed :3 I didn't really want to by anything and make a costume for the party, so I'm just throwing in some red christmasy details to my outfit and pretends it's a good costume ;) 
So I've spend most of my day to pack things for tomorrow ;p 

Now I feel prepared and I'm just gonna take a shower then my dad is going to drive me to Edem and I will spend the night there. 
Just remembered I haven't ate any lunch today... :c well this needs to be good enough for now

Christmasy details

Hola amigos!
If you haven't noticed I've made some small changes on the blog now over the holiday. Last year I thought it was a bit fun to "decorate" the blog in a bit more christmasy way, so I thought I could give it a go this year as well. I just want to say that this is very basic and I know it's not that pretty but I just thought it was a fun thing to do and I didn't have the time to make it in photoshop so yes this is how it turned out :p 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Last couple of days

Hola amigos!
I'm sorry I haven't updated the last couple of days but I've been pretty busy and I just didn't had the motivation really.. :/ 
But my days is just continuing like normal, nothing new. Though it is the last day before winter break on Thursday :D and it's a party too ;) but some complications has popped up so I don't know if I will be going or not which suck but it is what it is... :/
Last Saturday I spend the day in Örebro, visiting my brother because it was his girlfriends birthday, so we celebrated her and they had an adorable cake with a photo of them on it :p hah cuuute! 
Other than that my days hasn't been any special. I spend my days in school and in bed, pretty much..

I'm gonna try to be better at updating! and I just want to say that I really appreciate every one of you that actually take some time of yours to read my blog, thank you!

Friday, 12 December 2014


Yesterday I stayed in Örebro for a while and hung out with Mickis at her place, we made pancakes and just talked about a lot. She has a cute little doggie named Ebba (must say it's a very good name ;)...) hah but seriously it is the cutest dog I've ever seen! She is all over you and want you to pet her and aaas she is just too cute!
When I got home I went to Edem. Then my dad came and picked us up and we went to me. Edem slept over and today he came along to Örebro and was with me in school for a little while. It's Lucia tomorrow, so some student had made a cute little show for the rest of the school, they were really good, but I was so tired so I just wanted to go home :d Edem went into town and met up with a friend and I stayed in school. My last lesson was finished at 15 over 2pm and I took the bus into town and met up with Edem. Then we took the train home. 
Now I'm gonna go and take a shower then I'm going to Edem ;d